Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We drove into a strong storm front east of St. Louis

Sandy's back is much better, so we left Lake of the Ozarks this morning. We only drove about 200 miles just in case the ride got to her back. It did fine, fortunately. After we set up in our park for the night and turned on the local TV stations, we saw that a strong storm front was headed this way. It moved through about 8:00 pm and I got some video of it. We will get into Michigan on Friday, and I hope to start getting some good still pictures to post.

The wind is shaking the trailer right now. We have the slides rolled in, but we can still sit in our recliners and watch TV.


1 comment:

Spirit Deer said...

Glad to hear you're on the move again. We're hoping the rest of your trip goes well with no more equipment failures.